Metro Delivery Will Take Your Food and Toys
…and we’ll give the food to Food Gatherers and the Toys to Toys for Tots! We donate our delivery services and do a Holiday company donation drive for both excellent organizations, and we’ll see that they get any toys or food you want to hand off to our Couriers, whenever you see them, during […]
Driver Pictures from the Road: Tim’s Missourable Rest Stop
Sadly, we rarely have time to pause for photo opportunities when we’re moving something crucial interstate, so we appreciate that Tim took advantage of his pit stop to document a Metro vehicle in Missouri. And look! Isn’t that the St. Louis Arch? KEEP YOUR HANDS ON THE WHEEL, TIM! Yes, that was the Arch, all […]
Metro’s 4th Fourth of July Ann Arbor Parade
We’ve been a featured part of the Ann Arbor Jaycees 4th of July Parade every year since 2008, with our beach-ball-loaded 24′ liftgate truck leading the way and one of our kicky new Ford Transits bringing up the rear. This year, we “delivered” some 460 red-white-and-blue beach balls to the throngs of people who lined […]