Metro Delivery: 2012 Jaycees 4th of July Parade In Ann Arbor, MI from Metro Delivery on Vimeo.
It was 101 Degrees! We delivered 804 Beachballs! We won 3rd place in the Parade! Hooray for the Glorious 4th!
To me this is a meal, not just a salad :-), I wouldn't need anything else, well, maybe a piece of bread…Can I ask you a question? The mozzarella looks yellow in the photo, rather than white. Is it a particular kind of mozzarella?
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To me this is a meal, not just a salad :-), I wouldn't need anything else, well, maybe a piece of bread…Can I ask you a question? The mozzarella looks yellow in the photo, rather than white. Is it a particular kind of mozzarella?