This morning our intrepid Fleet Manager John Arms found this happy guy in Western Ann Arbor on his way into work!
After a flurry of Facebook posts and tweets, this Social Media Dude took him down to the WestArbor Animal Hospital and had him scanned for a chip. After quite a while on the phone we found out his name is Lucky and that he apparently passed away in 2011… Anyway, the phone number on file was still good and his owner showed up to take him home from there!Thanks to John, the staff at WestArbor and everyone else who helped get this adorable guy back with his family!
Hey John, I’ve been trying to get ahold of you but can’t find a number. Are you at all interested in taking on more yard work? I have friends who live at 617 Stratford (off Hill Street in Toumy Hills) near the corner of Avon and Hill who need someone to do fairly routine yard work. They might also have a tree or two to be taken care of. Would you also want to give me a quote on yard work for 1323 Jewett? It’s across the street from Dave. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the Jewett house, so I just want a quote right now.
Nice article about you and the dog. He was lucky you found him!