This is very exciting. The previous Metro Delivery record, standing since at least 2005, for consumption of Paczki in a single shift has been broken, by our own resident superhero, J.P. who now holds the official Metro Delivery title: MASTER of PACZKI.
Congrats, J.P.!
Additionally, this year marks what we believe to be the speed record for eating a Paczek.
Christian was observed to completely consume and swallow an entire custard-filled deep-fried Manchester Bakery Paczek in 46.6 seconds, as timed by Dale with multiple witnesses. Without the aid of water or liquids whatsoever. It was an awesome sight to behold, and one that many of us will hold in our memories until the day we die.
Apart from individual standouts, the entire Metro Delivery Team performed admirably, with tremendous resolve and dedication.
Yesterday we started the day with 112 Paczki, and by 6:30 AM today we were reduced to merely approximately 7.67 remaining, as shown, for several employees who may choose to celebrate a Fat Wednesday.
Metro Delivery is, like every year, amazed and most impressed with the performance of all of our skilled employees in these Extreme Paczki Challenges. We look forward to Fat Tuesday 2015 (2/17/2015), and would remind all employees that it’s never too soon to start training for next year.
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