Metro Delivery Will Take Your Food and Toys

…and we’ll give the food to Food Gatherers and the Toys to Toys for Tots!   We donate our delivery services and do a Holiday company donation drive for both excellent organizations, and we’ll see that they get any toys or food you want to hand off to our Couriers, whenever you see them, during […]


Metro Delivery Wins Commander’s Award from Toys for Tots

2010 marks our third year carrying thousands of toys from donation centers to Santa’s Workshop, for distribution to children in need. Our thanks to the Marine Corps and Toys for Tots for  providing us with another opportunity to do good in our community!


Ann Arbor Company Helps Employee Help Dogs

Rescued dogs were gifted with new wheels October 4 when Metro Delivery of Ann Arbor presented the keys to a refurbished cargo van to Detroit’s Home Furever – the first donation based on contributing to its employees charitable interests. It all started with Driver Bill Peterson of Royal Oak, a longtime volunteer with Home Furever, […]