Toys for Tots Appreciation Certificate

Thank YOU, Toys for Tots, for the 2,500 children in Washtenaw County that had a better Holiday this year because of your efforts. We’re proud to be of assistance.


Metro Delivery Will Take Your Food and Toys

…and we’ll give the food to Food Gatherers and the Toys to Toys for Tots!   We donate our delivery services and do a Holiday company donation drive for both excellent organizations, and we’ll see that they get any toys or food you want to hand off to our Couriers, whenever you see them, during […]


Metro Delivery Receives Toys for Tots Award 2011

The Staff of Metro Delivery were honored with an award, and a handsome wall plaque, by Tony Gillum, Program Coordinator for Toys for Tots, who came personally and in full uniform to our warehouse to thank us for our assistance in turning truckloads of toys into Happy Holidays for over 600 local children. Metro donates […]


Toys for Tots Drive 2011!

Click here for Washtenaw County Toys for Tots Donation Centers! Metro Delivery again this year donates all services to the good folks at Toys for Tots, carrying truckloads of toys hither and yon across Southeastern Michigan, for distribution to disadvantaged children in the area. Our friends at W4 Country are sponsoring a Toy Drive, for […]


Metro Delivery Wins Commander’s Award from Toys for Tots

2010 marks our third year carrying thousands of toys from donation centers to Santa’s Workshop, for distribution to children in need. Our thanks to the Marine Corps and Toys for Tots for  providing us with another opportunity to do good in our community!


Metro Delivery Converts Fleet to Santa Mobiles

Drivers Double as Elves Metro Delivery vehicles don’t resemble sleighs but all are adorned this holiday season with signs proclaiming them Santa Mobiles on behalf of Toys for Tots – and, though drivers remain in uniform, badges identify them as Official Collection Elves. “In addition to transporting donated toys from collection to sorting sites, our […]